The unhuman nature of human nature


One cannot help but notice lately the drastic change in the nature of the people we are, news channels are abound with stories of people needing help who were frequently ignored by those who could so easily have rendered aid. I recall not so long ago watching a report on tv of a small 2 year old girl who having been wandering in a road was hit by a van and left dying in the road. No less than 18 people pass and ignore this small child including a second driver who also runs over this child before driving off. 18 people how inhumane and horrifying is that, think about it and then ask yourself what would you do?

Me? i know what i would do, i purposely trained with St Johns ambulance and would and have happily jumped straight in to help for i had always assumed this is automatically what anyone would do but it is actually horrifying that the reality is most people would not. Presumably this is not helped by the presence of our ‘sue for anything’ culture, indeed during training we were actually told stories of first aiders having been sued by the victims blaming them for injuries they claim were sustained during life saving attempts. That threw me, i really was horrified by that and it made me worry a little about my own impulsive tendency to just jump right on in there.Yet for all that i know i would still do the same for it is not in my nature to deny help when i could so easily give it. 

The mind boggles, does this mean would people prefer to be left to die? For they surely would in many cases were it not for the timely intervention of some well meaning saviour and yet it seems the thought of financial recompense far outweighs any other consideration least of all their own potential mortality. Time was when anyone would extend a hand to help a fellow human being, it was just considered natural and none would ever hesitate to do so. These days people seem so much more self absorbed and that sense of community so lacking that you often wonder what would happen should any harm befall you. 

I guess i had never really taken much notice but thinking back i realise how often people have been surprised when i offered to help, almost as though they were not used to having it offered to them and this makes me sad for it should not be this way. A hand should always be offered if it is needed and we should never have to think twice about doing so. I certainly hope that should i ever be the one needing it then that helping hand would be offered to me and regardless i shall always continue to hold out mine when i can. I am a true believer in it only taking one person to make a difference. Now all we need are a few more to think the same.

2 thoughts on “The unhuman nature of human nature

  1. Max

    I would hope the people in question just didn’t notice the child, rather than chose not to help. I hope…

    Nice blog, keep up the good work!

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